Thursday, 5 June 2014

The books which claim helping!

Some people are destined for greatness, some are meant to be put at a pedestal and being admired. There life is an elegantly written manuscript on which they, very expertly, crave their way to greatness. Opportunities fall their way, and they grab them with all the ten fingers. Well, its not that easy. The opportunity don't just fall their way, hey look for it and take what they rightfully own.

There are things which they do differently from people like me.
First, I think, is that they never undermine themselves, for if you don't believe in yourself how will others find faith in you.
Second, I guess, is they never doubt their ability to do what they think is right. Their feet is strong on the ground when they take a stand, and they are ready to show the world what's what. That i think is really important.
Third, i suppose is that, they are not lazy, they have the desire to keep going and they are ready to take the world by the collar and make it its own. Yes, THIS, This is the most important think there is to do, not the previous one.
Fourth. Believe. There is nothing which can be said more clearly and enunciated in a more crystal way than the fact that one need to believe in themselves, and believe that their talent, vision, belief is true and nothing can be said to move their faith from it. The world will believe only if you believe.

Well, that was mighty easy to write. In reality all the 'point' so graciously explaining life's real treasures, are something I am not. I lack each and every one of these points. I wonder whether all the self help books are written by such lost souls who only write these books to overcome the lack of the quality in there own life, because for a minute my life seemed awfully easy.

Its very satisfying to switch off the real troubles and sit in front of the screen and become someone else, even it is for a little while, everybody needs their escape i suppose. Me, I can't become someone else, the self-righteous (wishful thinking ! ) gene in my body does not let me do it. But I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about how some people are destined for greatness.

There are people around me who I know will be great and theirs will the name I read on the paper in a few years. A few. Out of these few, i am proud of most of them, but when they happen to share a tiny bit of your DNA, the pride quickly turns into jealousy. The point to note is the phrase 'tiny bit of DNA'. A distant relative, who also happens to be sharing your age bracket. I have that. I go through that most of the days of my kind of sort of insignificant life.

BUT, this wasn't supposed to be the usual rant of the PMSing inferiority complexed girl. So I break the tip of my pen here, but before I do that, I need to ask, any of you have tips of how to get over jealousy?
